Fanning the Flames

Fanning the Flames

Monday, September 6, 2010

At One - Moment

I hope that I will remain in this moment.
Seeing with childlike vision, not knowing the time,
pleading to stay in the current of the ocean just a little while longer.
Here, resting face up on a sandy shore, I change like a chameleon
as waves and whitewash circle my feet and return to the open sea before me.
In this moment,so still, aware, at peace, needing nothing more
then what is before me.
I follow the flow of my breath in
like Alice into the rabbit hole
and I follow my breath out
returning to the present.
Like a traveler, I come and go with each breath roaming everywhere and yet remaining at one with this moment at all times, enjoying the feasts before me, knowing what is here, in this place, is all that matters.
In this moment, I know the creator
In this moment, I see with eyes wide open
In this moment, I follow my breath in and out
In this moment, I am and I understand.
Smiling, knowing that it is all that matters...

Richard Nedervelt

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